Room Hire
We have over 50 regular hirers currently using the Centre including Brighton Theatre Group who rehearse here for all their shows, a monthly Film Night, Repair Cafe, Gardening Network and the two day Annual Model Railway exhibition. In addition, many private functions take advantage of our excellent facilities.
Our Rooms
There are five rooms of different sizes available for hire.
Should you require larger facility rooms 1 and 2 can be combined.
Rooms 3, 4 and 5 can also be combined to create a larger space.
Below are our standard room hire rates - these can vary for a regular booking.​
There are three sessions available:-
8.30am to 1.00pm​
1.00pm to 6.00pm
6pm to 10.30pm
Our standard rate for the whole floor is £90 per session
Room 1
86 sq.m.
(10.8m x 7.75m) (35ft x 25ft)
Seats 80 persons
Access to large Tea Room
Standard Rate £60.00 per session
Room 2
55 sq.m.
(7.10m x 7.75m) (23ft x 25ft)
Seats 40 persons
Tea Room via Lobby
Standard Rate £35.00 per session
Room 3
58 sq.m.
(7.10m x 7.75m)(23ft x 25ft)
Seats 40/50 persons
Standard Rate £35.00 per session
Room 4
53 sq.m.
(6.30m x 7.75m) (21ft x 25ft)
Seating 30/40 persons
Standard Rate £35.00 per session